Monday, May 3, 2010

day four.

Well, I'm tired.

12 movies this weekend. Starting to get the blend effect (you know, that awesome movie I saw about the Palestinian priest who tries to save a Japanese rainforest. That was a great one.)

Yesterday started off with I Bought A Rainforest at the ROM. I arrived hungover, I left hungry. It was an easy movie to wake up to, but I thought we were done worrying about the rainforests. Did I miss something?

After Rainforest I left my bike outside the ROM and felt my way towards the Cumberland for The World According To Ion B. The sun was way too bright for me. I had to dig through my survival kit (which currently comprises of an oversized purse filled shredded screening schedules) for some sunglasses. I cuddled into one of those cushy seats at Cumberland 1 (rated #1 movie theatre seats at a Hot Docs venue by Pink Milkcrate) with my butter popcorn and watched a movie about a street drunk in Romania who has spent the past few decades making these incredible collages. I want one.

Next up was Budrus, which I would rip a 4.5. Check this one out if you have the time. I love movies where you just can't believe there was someone there with a camera. The audience ate this one up; seems like a contender for the audience choice award. [ed note: I just checked the Hot Docs website to check up on the actual name of the award, and I see that they are tabulating the scores as they go along! Magnifique! I am baffled by some of the front runners, but I suppose a utilitarian approach makes more sense than letting me pick the winner by myself. And I am wrong, Budrus is not up there.]

Back across the road to the ROM for Soundtracker, which missed the mark. If there's going to be only one person in your entire movie, that person better be captivating. The Soundtracker was not. Hot Docs lost some points here for scheduling a movie about sound in the ROM theatre (rumble rumble rumble, all aboard the Spadina subway express!!). And Mr. Director, if you are reading this, please tell you friends that checking your phone during the movie is not nice. Even if you know the directors.

Last up at 9:45 was Ito. I was tired. I napped. Japanese dialogue can be incredibly hypnotic. Although I can't tell you what I thought about it, I can tell you that the audience did not applaud until the FOURTH frame of credits. Something to think about.

Tonight I'm going to see Gros Morne and Sins of My Father. I'm going to have to spend some time at work today rearranging my schedule because there are some movies that have been buzzing in my ear that weren't originally in my schedule, such as Marwencol, The Canal Street Madame and 12th and Delaware. There's a lot of movies that I want to see and not a lot of time to see them. I sense a sick day coming on...




    It's actually one of my favorites of the fest so far, but a big part of me thinks that's because I got to watch it from the peaceful serenity of my couch, where nary a subway is heard! Not sure if you're interested at this point, but I actually posted an audio interview with the director and the soundtracker himself.

    Hope your hangover has cleared!

  2. i noticed your interview but i couldn't watch it at work because our computers are out of date because i work at a fledgling arms length governmental soviet outpost. we are running windows 95 or something.

    maybe hot docs is willing to host another screening of soundtracker on your couch!

    what's your favorite of the festival so far?

  3. Indeed. Well it's an audio interview actually. Click that little button that says "Visit this on Podomatic" and it should take you to a spot where you can actually download the MP3 of it and load it onto whatever mobile audio device you use...might make for some handy ticket-holder-line listening.

    Not sure my couch is the sort of venue Hot Docs has in mind. They should consider it though, 'cause Lord knows it's warmer than The Cumberland!

    My three festival favorites to date, are the afore-mentioned SOUNDTRACKER, DAVID WANTS TO FLY, and DISH.

